1. Anti Abortion - only exception, when the life of the mother is at stake;
2. Pro Gun Control - if someone wants a gun, I'd make gun safety and use training mandatory. No iffs or buts.
3. Anti Death Penalty - but only because I believe too many innocent people get convicted. Otherwise, especially for the heinous crimes - fry the sucker!
4. Pro Small Government - let the people lead their lives. The less intervention the better. The trick is finding out where to regulate and where to stay out.
5. Pro Free Trade - but progressive and measured;
6. Pro Globalization - Yes, globalization brings its own inequalities, challenges and problems. But, at the end of the day, I firmly believe that it's a force for good when harnessed properly. (Read Alvin Toffler's Third Wave);
7. Pro Environment - let's face it, we're killing the earth and ourselves in the process. This has got to stop. And, no, I don't think being pro globalization means that you can't be pro environment also;
8. Pro Gay Marriages - why the heck not? But let's be clear, it's a civil thing. No one is telling the Catholic Church or any other organized religion for that matter that they have to allow it.
More later...