It's difficult keeping a blog updated (even one that doesn't seem to invoke much of anything from those who, per chance, read it ; - ), nonetheless, you feel the obligation to do so.
So, here's my two cents on the prison scandal.
Message to President Chicken Hawk:
Fire Rummy now! Quit privatizing the military. (Civilian contractors as interrogators??? Who the fuck came up with that brilliant idea?) Owe up to the fact that the Iraqi people no longer see the United States as liberators (if they ever did) but as occupiers. Accept that brutal reality... the rose colored glasses have to come off... and start crafting solutions that work through it.
It's ok to think strategically but realize that this vision thing (a free, democratic and prosperous Iraq) will not work without a clear roadmap on how to get there, and it's clear that you never had one.
Message to the American People:
Throw these bums out come November.
Kerry may not be the saviour, but at least he doesn't live in a dream world either, unlike those guys currently occupying that nice house up on Pennsylvania Avenue.