Hey, that's cheating!!!!
I know the blog's free and all that... so Google's got a right to place ads and all... but "Bush Cheney 2004 buttons from www.politicalshop.com" - that is dirty pool.
Or, maybe, it's just ironic.
Wahsington, Politics, and Bush and even more Bush (damn, I really was hoping he'd lose....) Well, on the bright side... wait, there is no bright side. Quagmire in Iraq, a growing deficit, renaissance for the Christian right, a continuing disdain for old allies... what's next? An invasion of Iran? North Korea? Stay Tuned All!
Hey, that's cheating!!!!
Chicken Hawk.
Anyone need further proof that Microsoft doesn't play fair?
Any bets on whether Kerry's got the balls to get up there and call Bush a stone cold liar during the Presidential debates? (Assuming, of course, that he wins the nomination....)
More Recommended Reading:
So, the President finally proposed his new budget.
Been reading from "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.